
The governors’ work affects most aspects of the school’s work.  They establish, with the Headteacher, aims for the school, and approve policies – for the curriculum, behaviour and discipline, for example; and are responsible for the school’s budget and the use and maintenance of the premises.  They are expected to be in touch with the local community and to help guide the school to meet the community’s educational needs. They are also expected to help the school explain to the community what the school is trying to achieve for their children. School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together; they cannot act individually.

The full governing body meets six times a year, once a half term.

Click here to download governor attendance at meetings 2021/22.

Meet our Governors

The total number of governors on the instrument of governance is 11.
Date of reconstitution: 17/03/15

The Governing Body  comprises:

  • Parents – 2
  • Staff Governors – 1
  • Head Teacher
  • Local Authority representatives – 1
  • Representatives of the church (also known as Foundation governors) – 2
  • Co-opted governors – 4

Click here to view the Governors List and their Responsibilities

Correspondence and enquiries for the Governing Body or Chair of Governors should be sent to the school office and marked for their attention.

If you would like to know more about becoming a school governor please email the school office: