Key Stage Results

DFE School Performance Tables

School Performance Tables as published by the DFE can be found by following this link:

Click here to access the school’s full performance data

* The scores are calculated by comparing the key stage 2 test and assessment results of pupils at this school with the results of pupils in schools across England who started with similar assessment results at the end of the previous key stage – key stage 1.

A score above zero means pupils made more progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

A score below zero means pupils made less progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

** This score is known as the reading ‘scaled score’. The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more.



In Year 6, 2023, there were 19 pupils in Year 6

Pupils eligible for key stage 2 assessment 19 pupils
Percentage of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics (combined) 74%
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading 79%
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in writing 84%
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in mathematics 89%


In Year 6, 2019, there were 15 pupils in Year 6 

Reading Writing Maths Grammar, punctuation & spelling
Percentage of children achieving expected standard in each subject: 93% 87% 87% 80%
Average progress in each subject: 0 -0.5 -2.1 N/A
Average scaled score in each subject: 106 N/A* 104 105
Percentage of children achieving high level of attainment ** 33% 20% 13% 27%

The table below gives the attainment and progress of pupils in Year 6 in 2019.

In Year 6, 2019, there were 16 pupils in Year 2

Reading Writing Maths
Percentage of children achieving expected standard in each subject: 88% 81% 94%
Percentage of children achieving high level of attainment 44% 25% 38%

Since 2016, scaled scores have been introduced to report test results. 

Scaled Scores

  • Raw marks in the test are converted to a scaled score
  • Test results are reported as scaled scores
  • The ‘expected standard’ will always be set at 100
  • Pupils with 100 or more will have met the expected standard

*A progress score of 0 means pupils in this school on average do about as well at KS2  as those with similar prior attainment nationally.A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at KS2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at KS2 as with similar prior attainment nationally.

**There is no writing test and therefore, scaled scores are not used . Teacher Assessment is used to measure children’s attainment across a wide range of children’s work throughout the year and is reported as either: “working at the expected standard” or “at working at greater depth”. There is no scaled score for writing.

***Children achieving 110 or higher in reading or maths tests are awarded a “high” level of attainment.