Newsletter 6 Monday 10th October 2022

 Dear Parents / Carers,

I hope you have enjoyed the weekend – the autumnal colours are beautiful at this time of year. Please can I remind you to book your child / children for the flu immunisation as soon as possible so

that they don’t miss out if you would like to have them immunised. Details of how to do this are in the attached letter.


Class News:


Every week the classes will share the highlights of what they have been learning about with our families:

EYFS – This week in EYFS we have been learning about families. We have been thinking about the different people who live in our homes, naming the different members of our families and drawing them using pencil lines. We have started to learn about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in maths and have been looking at how these numbers are made from smaller numbers. In forest schools we went on a texture hunt, which finished at the horse chestnut tree where we found smooth, hard conkers and spikey shells.

Class 1 – This week class 1 have been learning about shape poems. We have worked hard to make a word bank of adjectives and then used them to help us to write similes and alliteration sentences. In maths we have begun a new unit of work focussing on addition and subtraction. Year 2 children are working with number bonds and improving their fast recall of the number bonds to 10 and to 20, where year 1 are learning how to use a part whole model to support their understanding of addition and subtraction. We have also begun practising our presentation for the Harvest Festival and are looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Class 2 – We have had a lovely week in Class 2. We have enjoyed doing a deep-dive into newspaper report writing, on Wednesday, looking at the different aspects of successful newspaper reports, then on Thursday we looked at actual articles to find examples of the different aspects. In our maths learning we have begun to look at increasingly tricky addition and subtraction. We looked at populations in different areas of England in our Geography learning and in RE we looked at religious artwork to find examples of the holy trinity hidden in the paintings. In art we took the next step in our still life art drawing to think about harvest time, using seasonal fruit and vegetables.

Class 3 – Class 3 have been writing setting descriptions in literacy this week. We have been focusing on the forest in our class book. The children have used some fantastic writing examples to support their learning and have challenged themselves to use figurative language effectively. In maths, year 5 have been starting their new unit (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing). In year 6, the


children have had a go at their first practice SATS test. They persevered and have put a lot of effort in, which is lovely to see. In French they have been practicing speaking about our siblings in our topic about families. Class 3 have also thought of interesting questions to ask our European visitor next week in geography.


Black History Month


In the UK, October marks the beginning of Black History Month. This national celebration aims to promote and celebrate the contributions of those with African and Caribbean heritage to society and to foster an understanding of Black history in general. Through Black History Month, we learn so much about ourselves and our abilities to overcome challenges both big and small. We learn to reason and wonder about things morally. We also learn from mistakes people made in the past and learn the importance of treating others with compassion – we learn to be givers and helpers.

Through this month we are using a number of assemblies to learn about significant people in history such as Dr Martin Luther King, Mary Seacole and Rosa Parks.


Stone Age Workshop – Class 2

On the October 14th Class 2 are looking forward to having a visit from Tanya Bentham, a local historian to talk to us about what life was like for Stone Age women. She will be showing us clothing, hunting and tools that were used during the period.


Parent / Teacher / Child consultation – Monday 17th and Wednesday 19th October

A confirmation date and time was sent home on Friday for the Parent / Teacher / Child consultations.

Harvest Festival

EYFS and Class 1 children will celebrate Harvest Festival on Thursday 20th October at 9.15am which will last approximately 15 minutes.

KS2 (Class 2 and 3) will celebrate Harvest Festival on Friday 21st October at 2.30pm

Due to the size of the hall, please can a maximum of two people from each household attend Harvest -thank you.

Individual School Photograph Day – 2nd November

On Wednesday 2ndNovember it is school photograph day. As with previous years the family photographs are to be taken first from 8.30am, these are for children in school who have siblings who are not at school. If this applies to you, please come to school

for 8.30am to have your children photographed together. Individual photographs and siblings who come to this school will be taken during the school morning.



Please find attached a letter from Harrogate District Hospital regarding the flu vaccine which is available for all primary school children.

Follow the link on the letter, inputting your email address and code HD121487, press find school then select Dishforth C of E Primary. Please complete the form to say whether you would or would not like your child to have the flu vaccine.

The Flu vaccine will take place at our school on the 23rd November 2022 in the morning

PE Kit

A reminder that now the weather is turning a bit cooler, the children can wear a tracksuit for PE.

Breakfast and After School Club – important booking information

Please can any families who would like to use this facility ensure that bookings are made by 12pm on a Friday for the following week.

We can’t take any bookings after this time at short notice as we need to ensure we have staff in place.

Friends of Dishforth

Friends of Dishforth are holding a Halloween Party on Sunday 23rd October at Dishforth Village Hall. EYFS and Class 1 at 3.30pm-5pm

Class 2 and 3 at 5.30pm-7pm

Tickets cost £5 and can be purchased on ParentPay

October Half-Term Activities at Carlton Lodge

Activities are aimed at children aged 8-14 yrs. And will be running over 3x days.

Tuesday, 25th Oct – Crate stack, Climbing Wall, Archery, Problem Solving. Wednesday, 26th Oct – Bridges, Egg Challenge, Bushcraft, Orienteering Thursday 27th Oct – Mini Olympics, Raft Build, Leap of Faith, Zip.

[Registration is from 9.10am] Activities start at 9.30am and finish at approx. 4.30pm. Covid safe measures are in place.

Places are limited, so please check out the EventBrite site to secure your place[s]

To book your child[ren] for Activities please go to the Eventbrite site: Carlton Lodge Activity Centre Events | Eventbrite

Bookings can only be made through the Eventbrite site.

Places can be booked for children as individuals or in multiple numbers at a cost of £40 per child + booking fee. [£43.71]

Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch, shower kit & towel and a change of clothes. Come prepared for the season’s weather conditions!

Children will be allocated into a group of 8 individuals and will be given instruction throughout the day by one or two instructors.

We look forward to seeing you!! 😊 Gillian Harrison Office Administrator

e: t: 01845 522145



Celebration Assembly
On Friday, we had our Celebration Assembly. This week the following children were given our
weekly awards;


EYFS – This week the ribbon goes to someone who always has is always
kind and caring towards others and has super manners at all times. He is
trying very hard with his reading and handwriting – well done Jax!!

Class 1 – The ribbon in class 1 this week goes to someone who has been
working hard to complete her work and has made a great effort to
improve her presentation and handwriting. She always works hard and is
a great role model in class. Well done Josephine!

Class 2 – This week the ribbon goes to someone who has worked really hard. They have put
forward great suggestions in whole class discussions and is also showing good sticky knowledge
across the curriculum. Well done to Casey!

Class 3 – The ribbon is going to someone for their excellent work in RE. She has been resourceful
and helpful when supporting some of her classmates to understand God at a deeper level. Well
done, Esmay! 


Values in Action
This week our Values Award goes to someone for demonstrating our school values of perseverance and respect.
This person has been nominated because they never give up and they
always work as hard as they can to solve problems. This person shows
respect to everyone in school by holding doors open and being friendly.
The award goes to Rupert who was nominated by Kingsley.
Well done, Rupert!

Kind regards J M Lyon Head Teacher


Diary Dates


October 2022
14/10/22 Stone Age workshop morning for Class 2

17/10/22 or


Parent / child / teacher consultations
20/10/22 EYFS and Class 1 Harvest Festival – morning 9.15am

Class 2 and 3 Harvest Festival – afternoon 2.30pm



Break-up half term 3.15pm

31/10/22 School opens 8.45am
November 2022
2/11/22 Individual school photograph morning
18/11/22 Children in Need Day – non-uniform
23/11/22 Flu Immunisation
24/11/22 Class 3 Mini-Medics afternoon – funded by Friends of Dishforth
December 2022
5/12/22 Nativity – EYFS and Class 1 evening performance
6/12/22 Nativity – EYFS and Class 1 morning performance
8/12/22 Last swim session for Class 3. Class 2 children to go after Christmas.
9/12/22 Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children
14/12/22 Christmas School Dinner (TBC)
15/12/22 Christmas School Parties – afternoon – children to bring their party clothes in a named bag to get changed into

Whole school Christingle Service at Baldersby Church – 1.45pm. Families welcome and children can go home from the church for the Christmas holidays. (Transport funded by Friends of School)

School breaks up for Christmas at 2.30pm

January 2023
3/1/23 Training Day
4/1/23 School Open for the Spring Term 8.45am


I will be in each school every day as follows:

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Dishforth C of

E Primary



Dishforth C of

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Dishforth C of

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Dishforth C of

E Primary