

Following the introduction of the new National Curriculum in Spetember 2014, levels are no longer used to assess and track children’s progress.

National Assessment from 2016 onwards

Reception: Children will be given a short baseline assessment when they first start school.

Year 1: Phonics Screening

Key Stage 1 SATs: At the end of Year 2, children will be assessed using externally set tests which will be marked in school by the teacher. There will be tests in maths, reading and writing. There will also be a Spelling, punctuation and grammar test, which will be part of the writing assessment. Children will be given a scaled score which will be out of 100, where 100 is the expected standard for that stage.

Key Stage 2 SATs: At the end of Year 6, children will take National Tests in maths, reading and grammar, spelling and punctuation. These will be externally set and externally marked. Children will be given a scaled score, which parents will be able to compare with the average for the school, the local area and nationally. The scaled score will be out of 100, where 100 is the expected standard for that stage. Children will also be assessed through ongoing teacher assessment throughout the whole of Year 6.

In addition to the National Assessments, teachers will assess and track all children’s progress throughout the year. Assessment may be formal eg tests, or more informal, eg when a teacher is working with a small group of children and asking questions.

At the end of each year, children will be tracked against the progress made towards meeting the end of year expectations. Parents will be given an leaflet giving an overview of the end of year expectations for reading, writing and maths at the Autumn Parent’s Evening.


Assessment Information Guide For Parents

Assessment Statement 2023-24