Newsletter 1 – 6th September 2024

We have had a super start to the new school year and it has been lovely to welcome all the familiar faces back after the Summer break. We have also enjoyed welcoming all our new families into our school community. It has been fantastic to see lots of smiling faces and friendships made and renewed as we settle into our new class teams.

There have been a few changes this term to help things run a little more smoothly. PE kits are to be in school every day, this Newsletter will go out on Fridays from now on and Class 1 are to come straight into school each morning instead of lining up. We have also replaced our ribbon award with a ‘Star of the Week’. Children will be chosen who have shone in their classes throughout the week and they will receive a sticker and certificate in our Celebration Assembly each Friday afternoon.

I also wanted to let you know that our lovely Mrs McBride, who runs our school office so efficiently, is leaving us for a new opportunity. Her last day will be Tuesday 17 th September. She will be sorely missed and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her amazing work at our school over the last three years and wish her well for the future. We are currently recruiting for her replacement. If you are interested or know anyone who might be, then please look on the North Yorkshire Council jobs website or contact the school office for more information.

We are in the process of putting together diary dates for this term. As soon as the list is finalised, I will share this with you.